When death clings to you like an obsessed lover,
An unwanted stalker,
Life teaches you how not to collect dust in the shelves
Like an old pot discarded in the corner of a kitchen cabinet,
To find the Lily in the valley,
And find Light in shadows.
To find love with each breath,
To dance in each storm,
To sift joy from sadness,
To spill out laughter after a cry,
To hold on to hope even when forlorn.
Life teaches you how not to allow death to anchor you,
Not to allow it to stifle you,
Or silence you,
Not to let it be a noose,
Not to let it be your coffin,
Not to let it bury you before your time,
To look death in the eye fearlessly,
To defy death boldly,
Not to let it erase you,
Not to let it anonymize you,
To be messy and imperfect,
To live loudly,
And shine freely.
To choose your path and walk on it,
To pick flowers from the cracks of a sidewalk,
To dream regardless,
To pursue courageously,
To build even when you are not an architecture,
To mould even when you are not a potter,
To scorch the ground you walk on.
To leave a mark,
To possess and bequeath
To be and become
A legacy.
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